Then , I went out to read the propane tank and saw that , even with the aforementioned instructions, I had mis-read it and had about two hundred more gallons more than I had thought. So, I called the propane dealer and cancelled my order. Guess what? They ran my card anyway and brought me one hundred more gallons! I have , now, enough propane to get myself 'pretty near' all the way to spring. My Grandad Baker used to say that: 'pretty near' all the time. Well, I'll be 'pretty near' warm enough, I'm guessing. I'm also gonna be broke for about two weeks , because of all the winterization arrangements. Watch. Just Watch. This will turn out to be the warmest winter on record, and I'll be sitting here absolutely awash in propane!
The week was tough, with the state mandated assessments, and the kids were really tired. Heck, I was really tired, and we were all cranky. Three times, I asked a young lady to quit bouncing her ball against the lockers outside my room. Three times she ignored me. Fourth time, I owned the ball. What messed it up for her was that on the fourth request, she gave me the classic 'look of innocence' and replied, 'I am not bouncing the ball, I am rolling it.'
Bear in mind, the young lady had just sassed a woman who, a thousand years ago, had been sitting in an art class, visiting with her friend. Miss Donovon said to me, 'Sally, stop talking to Paula.' And I, replied, 'I am not talking to Paula. I am talking to myself, and Paula is listening.' And darned if she didn't let me sit there. And, I'm sorry, but long deceased though she may be, that woman was a dummy for letting me get away with that. She should have snatched me up and marched me straight down to Mr. Cunningham's office. Truth be told, I did a bunch of shady stuff when I was a kid, but I always gave up that 'look of innocence' and , most of the time, I got away with it. I had two teachers who would call me on that, Mrs. Donna Cullison and Mrs. Mamie Large. They both saw straight through me and my act. But, I digress.
At any rate, the basketball bouncer had just crossed a woman who , not only knew every trick in the book, had pretty much pulled every trick in the book. And, that woman , also, knows that if you want to survive as a teacher, you cannot allow a student to 'take you there' and must be prepared, once you start something to finish it. Which is why, normally, I pick my battles. On any other day, I would have let that bouncing basket ball just keep bouncing. Then, she would not have sassed me, and would , still, have her ball. However, as I said, I was tired. I will give it back to her tomorrow. If she begs.
So, here I sit, the weekend has sped by, but all in all, I'm good. I got all of my assignments submitted for my NAU class. I even got a chance to scare myself by watching 'House of Wax', and now, I am sitting here giving out candy to trick or treaters. Halloween may be one of those times when I miss Philly. In Philadelphia, I taught in West Philly and lived in Mt Airy. My students never, ever came to my neighborhood. Therefore, I could walk down to the laundry room in my jammies (at least, I did that til I figured out the guy who lived across the hall from the laundry room was a 'chubby chaser' and was checking out my 'charms'). Also, I could hand out Halloween candy while dressed in my robe. Here, all the students know me so I not only have to put on clothes and comb my hair, I have to wear a BRA! Don't want to traumatize the little tikes. Oh well, nothing is perfect.
Everyone have a nice week.
Bear in mind, the young lady had just sassed a woman who, a thousand years ago, had been sitting in an art class, visiting with her friend. Miss Donovon said to me, 'Sally, stop talking to Paula.' And I, replied, 'I am not talking to Paula. I am talking to myself, and Paula is listening.' And darned if she didn't let me sit there. And, I'm sorry, but long deceased though she may be, that woman was a dummy for letting me get away with that. She should have snatched me up and marched me straight down to Mr. Cunningham's office. Truth be told, I did a bunch of shady stuff when I was a kid, but I always gave up that 'look of innocence' and , most of the time, I got away with it. I had two teachers who would call me on that, Mrs. Donna Cullison and Mrs. Mamie Large. They both saw straight through me and my act. But, I digress.
At any rate, the basketball bouncer had just crossed a woman who , not only knew every trick in the book, had pretty much pulled every trick in the book. And, that woman , also, knows that if you want to survive as a teacher, you cannot allow a student to 'take you there' and must be prepared, once you start something to finish it. Which is why, normally, I pick my battles. On any other day, I would have let that bouncing basket ball just keep bouncing. Then, she would not have sassed me, and would , still, have her ball. However, as I said, I was tired. I will give it back to her tomorrow. If she begs.
So, here I sit, the weekend has sped by, but all in all, I'm good. I got all of my assignments submitted for my NAU class. I even got a chance to scare myself by watching 'House of Wax', and now, I am sitting here giving out candy to trick or treaters. Halloween may be one of those times when I miss Philly. In Philadelphia, I taught in West Philly and lived in Mt Airy. My students never, ever came to my neighborhood. Therefore, I could walk down to the laundry room in my jammies (at least, I did that til I figured out the guy who lived across the hall from the laundry room was a 'chubby chaser' and was checking out my 'charms'). Also, I could hand out Halloween candy while dressed in my robe. Here, all the students know me so I not only have to put on clothes and comb my hair, I have to wear a BRA! Don't want to traumatize the little tikes. Oh well, nothing is perfect.
Everyone have a nice week.
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