I just had a 'pro-found' moment. Of course,everyone else probably figured it out ages ago, but I've been busy, and I'm not particularly a quick study anyway. During the last election, the radical right fringe and their media slaves made same sex marriages the 'hot button' issue. People let themselves get worked into such a frenzy over whether or not gay people should be allowed to marry that they failed to notice those bankers and mortgage people slipping out of town with their pockets lined with stolen money.
Moving on.....At any rate, there is good evidence that we are pulling out of the recession. Slowly, to be sure, but still pulling out. Nonetheless, we are still bombarded with 'information' that says, no, we're heading for Armageddon. But, that's not , really, what is bothering me today. I have come to believe that people need to learn to evaluate their sources, decide who they choose to trust and make decisions based on that. That's why this is a free country. Each and every one of us gets to pick our world view.
No, what is of concern to me today is the fact that the mis-information industry has decided to use the religion of Islam as this year's 'hot button' issue. In order to keep us from remembering that this recession , is, not only slowly resolving itself but was straight up caused by the Republicans who had control of the government for eight years, we are being slammed with the 'Evil Islamic Conspiracy'. Some knothead in Florida decides to burn a Koran, and it's world wide news. Some people decide to build a community center within a few blocks of Ground Zero , and it's a big hot deal. I can't help thinking this is just another 'faux' issue. A sort of 'look over there so you don't look over here' kind of a thing.
Regarding this, I have these observations to make:
1. Have any of these people even read the Koran? Portions of it are , virtually, word for word the same as from the Old Testament. And, just for the record, there's nothing much in the Koran about the attitude of men towards women. All that is the product of the Muslim radical fringe who want to keep women 'in their place' Much as some Christians interpret the Bible to suit themselves as some Jews interpret the Torah to suit themselves, some Muslims have done the same. Religion is, after all, all in the interpretation. God of Love? God of Retribution? All in the interpretation.
2. A few blocks from Ground Zero? Manhattan island is barely 22 sq miles in land area. EVERYTHING is only a few blocks from everything else. In a couple of hours, it is possible to walk from one end to the other! So, now, only Christians can build structures in NYC? I'm sure the Jews will be pleased to hear that. And by the way, it was Jews who helped the Moslems prepare their proposal.
3. Lest we forget, the towers were blown up by Saudis, friends of the Bushes, NOT Iraquis, NOT Afghanis. And, most assuredly, NOT by the entire Muslim world. And are they even looking for Ben Laden, at this point? Were they EVER looking for him? How hard is it to find a six foot eight inch Saudi with an oxygen tank strapped to his waist? Dare we ask if they even WANT to find him? At any rate, the Mirrah building was not blown up by the entire Christian world. It was blown up by a small cadre of survivalists who had convinced themselves the the United States government was evil, and the way to address the problem was to blow up a building full of working people and a day care center full of children. Every religion has its idiots.
4. The fact that this is being discussed is, I fear, a distraction tactic in order to keep us from asking the hard questions, to keep us from noticing that rich are still getting richer. Could it be that they don't want us to notice they are trying like you know what to keep that huge tax cut the Bush Administration gave them? Also, if this 'Islamic issue' is in the news, it also gives the 'birthers' an opportunity to keep putting out the fiction that the President is a foreign born Moslem (I guess they don't remember all the 'issues' with the CHRISTIAN minister of the church where President and Mrs. Obama worshipped for years)
This country was founded on freedom of religion. It is not my place, it is not anyone's place to determine what religion is suitable.And, while, normally, I choose to just walk away when people start talking stupid (at least, that's the tactic I take as I age) , the fact that this is starting to be a problem for children is a concern to me. I was watching the news this morning and a young Moslem boy, born in this country to parents who have lived here for twenty years, was being interviewed and he spoke of being afraid to attend school anymore.
I have dedicated my life to the betterment of the lives of children. Bullying is a huge problem in this country. It should be horrifying to everyone that there are children who are so frightened of going to school that they choose to end their lives rather than to attend. It is inexcusable for anyone to verbally or physically abuse a child, and frankly, I don't care if the offender is an adult or a child. I don't give a rip if the child is a Moslem or a Hasidic Jew. He or she should be able to go to school and feel safe and secure. That also goes for all the other 'reasons' kids get picked on, as far as I'm concerned. Too fat, too skinny, dressed in clothes that are not 'stylish' enough, a child who is experiencing gender conflicts. These are all God's children and should be protected by all of us.
In closing, I findly it oddly comforting that, as I prepare to schedule my surgery, that my gynecologist is Iranian, and my surgeon is Jewish. Cooperation around my hoo-hoo. Can world peace be far behind?
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