Monday, August 2, 2010

I'm here.

Moving was such a you know what!  For one thing, I have always cleaned my apartment thoroughly every year right before I leave for Pittsburgh.   Clean, as in move things, wash curtains, clean the oven.  You know, REALLY CLEAN!  This year,  I knew I was moving, and  I was ticked because I wasn't going to get to go home.  So, I really hadn't done a good clean since Christmas.  By the time I was ready to move, my old place was just nasty.

The night before I was scheduled to move I decided it would be a good idea to drive my 'chachkes' over to the new place myself.  On the way, the radiator sprung a leak, the truck overheated, and I was sitting by the side of a dirt road with no cell coverage.  Well, I was in cell coverage for a while, just long enough to call my poor brother, explain my situation and scare him to death.  OK, so from 5 p.m. until 10p.m., I would  pour four bottles of water (thank God I had just bought a 48 count of bottled water) into the radiator, drive til it ran out, wait for the car to cool down, pour more water into the radiator, repeat.  And repeat until I got back to my old place.  Next day, the guy who was going to move me took my radiator into Gallup, left it and  picked it up the next day.  I didn't actually move until Wednesday when I had planned to be out by Sunday.

I got here, the Direct TV man got lost, ended up in Red Rock instead of Rough Rock, the Frontier people lost my DSL order, and I spent four days with neither phone nor internet.  I had to drive out to the main road to get a cell signal.

Enough poor me?  OK, finally, after getting everything hooked up, all the boxes unpacked, I took a drive into Chinle, the nearest town.  I bought a  chili dog and an iced tea.  Driving back, my head hurt, my back hurt and to top it all off, the dumbie at the A and W had put sugar into my tea.  I HATE sweet tea!

Get the picture?  I'm feeling pretty low, missing my friends, pissed that I haven't seen my kids since Christmas and drinking tea with sugar in it!  And, I drive around the corner and see this.........

If that ain't a higher  power telling me to lighten up and that tomorrow will go better, then I don't know what is.

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