Thursday, May 27, 2010

A Christian Nation?

I can hear my Grandmother in my ear right now, even as I write.  'What do you mean we are not a Christian nation?"  That sound you hear is Grandmother Baker spinning in her grave.  She was so very concerned when I married my ex, and no, it didn't work out.  However, it was not the fault of Judaism, and it DID work til he lost his mind(at least, that's what I prefer to think).  My other hypothesis is that aliens abducted my husband, and left me with a true jerk.  I remember thinking that once: "Who are you, and where did you take my husband?"

Ah, but I wander.  I was reading on my kids' facebook pages, and I saw that Mandy had responded to someone who was upset that a Moslem edifice was being built in proximity to the 911 Memorial in New York.  I happen to agree with my daughter, most followers of Islam want peace and to be allowed to worship, live their lives with their loved ones in peace. To say that all Muslims have terroristic leanings is as ludicrous to say that most Catholics support the pedophilic priests, that most Jews own banks, most Protestants are knuckle-dragging racists.  Tolerance, when did that become a dirty word? 

Sitting in the Burger King drive up, waiting for my unsweetened iced tea.  I watched as , in the car in front of me, a tiny little guy, maybe four or five,  began to hang out the window, as his father placed his order.  To my amazement, and the amazement of the speech therapist who was with me, the little fellow climbed out of the car, crawled on top of the roof and took a look at the scenery.  I put on my 'Alene Baker' face, and shook my finger at him (anyone who remembers my mom knows that face and that finger).  My face, apparently, was not as stern as hers had been, because he grinned a big grin and shook his finger back at me. I mouthed, "Get your self back in the car before you fall and bust your bucket'  He smiled and mouthed, in perfect imitation of my face, 'No'.  Then, I saw a big hairy arm reach out of the driver's side window, work its way up to the roof, grab  the little fellow by the waist and haul   him back into the car.  Without yelling, screaming, hitting,  his dad placed him back into the back seat, buckled him back into his car seat and pulled up to the window.  Now, obviously, the little guy was being naughty, and I have to say his father buckled him in rather firmly, but with no hysterics, no drama, no 'You're a rotten kid' sort of expletives. The father had dealt with his son, put him back where he belonged and got on with it.  I really liked that.  Sometimes, we all need to take deep breaths and dial it down.  Would I have been that calm?  Heavens no, I'd have flipped out,but I preferred this gentleman's way of dealing with the behavior. 

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